We are committed to continuing to innovate to provide the highest quality products that are halal, healthy and delicious. We have a variety of products and brands to meet your protein intake: KIBIF, BOSS, Murato, ADELL, KIPAO

    We are committed to presenting high quality food products that are halal, healthy, and delicious, as well as providing added value to company stakeholders. With our financial success, we are ready to make a national and global contribution.

    IRDAM RAMLI - KOMISARIS UTAMA, Warga Negara Indonesia, berusia 59 tahun. Beliau mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, Program Studi Teknologi Pangan, Universitas Pasundan (1989). Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT Baskara Asri Gas, Bidang Usaha Trading, Suplier CNG Anggota Komite Pemantau Resiko, di BPR DMM dan BPR DMS.
  • CSR

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities as a form of our concern for the community, as well as our contribution to advancing a better Indonesia.

About Us

PT Estika Tata Tiara Tbk (KIBIF) is a cattle company from upstream to downstream, providing various types of brands and products to reach all consumer needs. We are committed to always providing the best for consumers, by providing halal, healthy and delicious products, as well as our standardized distribution process.

Our Achievements

Quality products and services are regularly appreciated not only by our partners, but also by external organizations with achievements.

2021 - Top Brand Award (KIPAO)

2020 - Top Brand Award (KIBIF) 

2020 - Top Digital PR Award 

Our sincere gratitude to our amazing support system of partners, both internal and external, for the continuous trust and support
Equity Tower Lantai 22, Suite A
Sudirman Central Business District Lot 9,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190